Even if you didn’t put it there! – How bad can things get? A computer virus can place porn on your computer without your knowing it, and if the police search your computer, as happened to a couple recently, they could arrest you for having child pornography.

This could be done by someone looking for a place to “stash” nasty photos (where he can retrieve them later) or by someone playing a particularly unpleasant joke. Security expert Jeremiah Grossman says, “Just because it’s there doesn’t mean the person intended for it to be there, whatever it is, child porn included.”
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There are war problems and there are plastic problems. We’ve explained why plastic baby bottles can be bad for baby boys. Now it turns out that when mothers drink out of plastic bottles when pregnant, it can affect the personalities of their girl babies, when they reach the “terrible twos.”

BPA is commonly used in the production of polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins that can be found, for example, in some types of plastic bottles, canned food linings, water supply pipes and medical tubing. About 93% of people in the US have detectible levels of BPA in their urine, according to the Centers for Disease Control. if a woman is exposed to BPA early in her pregnancy, development of the baby
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Even reptiles reflect this – War zones are everywhere these days: There are many problems along the border between Israel and Jordan, one of the places the Palestinians came from. Even the reptiles are different (they’re more cautious in Jordan).

There are more reptile species in Jordan than in Israel. Biologist Uri Shanas says, “The boundary is indeed a virtual marking that appears on the political map and is not capable of keeping these species from crossing the border between Israel and Jordan; but the line does stop humans from crossing it and thereby contains their different impact on nature.” On the Jordanian side, for instance, the red fox is far less common, so that Jordanian gerbils can allow themselves to be more carefree.
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Reaction to citizen anger & threats? – We blamed Bush for 911 and now everyone blames Wall Street and big banks for the recession. It’s gotten so bad that brokers are packing heat.

On Bloomberg.com, Alice Schroeder quotes a friend at Goldman Sachs as saying, “I just wrote my first reference for a gun permit.” Supposedly bankers want to be ready to defend themselves in case of a populist uprising at their bank.Schroeder says (and most of us would agree) that “a little humility and contrition are probably the better route.”
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