It may not be blue, but it’s THERE: At the border between our solar system and the rest of the galaxy, NASA’s new Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) spacecraft, launched in October, has spotted a band of mysterious high-energy emissions.

On the Skywatchers website, Clara Moskowitz quotes IBEX investigator David mcComas as saying, “The IBEX results are truly remarkable, with emissions not resembling any of the current theories or models of this never-before-seen region. We expected to see small, gradual spatial variations at the interstellar boundary, some 10 billion miles away. However, IBEX is showing us a very narrow ribbon that is two to three times brighter than anything else in the sky.”
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And how to succeed at free throws – It’s not occult magic, it’s straight science: Lots of interesting things have arrived and one of these is the basketball season. Two engineers have figured out the best way to shoot a free throw, a frequently underappreciated skill that gets more important as the game clock winds down.

Chau Tran and Larry Silverberg say, “To get a swish rather than a brick, you need the best possible conditions for releasing the basketball from your hand.” They used hundreds of thousands of three-dimensional computer simulations of basketball free-throw trajectories to arrive at their conclusions. After running the simulations, Tran and Silverberg arrived at a number of major recommendations to improve free-throw shooting.
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WITH WHITLEY! – Starfire Tor will be on Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell on Friday, Nov. 20. Whitley will join her for the first hour to talk about their adventures together in the Magic Castle and at our recent Stargate Conference. He will also discuss the incredible asteroid activity going on right now. To find an affiliate in your area so you can listen to the show, click here.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

You may already have some immunity – We may not have immunity from war and politics, but at least researchers have found that previous influenza infections may provide at least some level of immunity to the H1N1 Swine Flu.

As the number of deaths related to the pandemic H1N1 virus, commonly known as Swine Flu, continues to rise, researchers have been scrambling to decipher its inner workings and explain why the incidence is lower than expected in older adults.
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