For many years, Whitley and Anne Strieber traded Valentine’s between Whitley’s Journal and Anne’s Diary on this website. Last week, as Whitley walked into a card shop to buy cards for his children and grandchildren, he reports that he sensed a message from Anne that there was a perfect cardread more

Researchers in France have discovered that an 18,000-year-old conch shell that was found in a cave used by the Magdalenian people of the late Upper Paleolithic was modified by someone to be used as a musical instrument. To test their theory, the researchers tried playing the ancient instrument, and foundread more

A new study says that climate change “may have played a key role” in triggering the COVID-19 pandemic that has gripped the planet for more than a year now. According to the study, global warming has prompted major changes in the forests of Southeast Asia, resulting in a dramatic expansionread more