Don’t reach down to pet that stray cat: The number of reported rabies cases among cats increased by 12% in 2008 compared to 2007. More than 36% of US cat-owning households did not visit a veterinarian in 2006, which is more than double the percentage of dog-owning households that didn’t visit a vet. This might be because so many cat owners adopt animals that turn up on their doorsteps, and some of them never really become tame.
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Can we fight crime with radio waves? (They work against mosquitoes). They’re safer than guns. What would be really effective would be to read criminals’ text messages so cops can catch them planning their next heist (as long the police don’t keep their phone in the wrong pocket!)

A wireless network of radio transmitters can track people moving behind solid walls. The system could help police, firefighters and others nab intruders, and rescue hostages, fire victims and elderly people who fall in their homes. It also might help border control.
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What do they have to do with cancer? – In “Through the Looking Glass,” written in 1871, Lewis Carroll gives his heroine Alice a ridiculous Victorian-style poem to memorize call “Jabberwocky.” One of the lines in it is: “And the mome raths outgrabe.” Did he mean MOLE RATS? It turns out these fascinating creatures, who live their entire lives underground, have incredible longevity AND do not get cancer. Is hiding underground (the way some people think that aliens do) the solution to our problems?
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Everybody (except the US) seems to be declassifying their UFO files. In 2005, Former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer stated that “UFOs, are as real as the airplanes that fly over your head” and that “current and past US activities” (such as trying to shoot them down) risk “intergalactic war.” (Note: Subscribers can still listen to this incredible show). Now current Prime Minister Stephen Harper has opened a website that reveals the details of thousands of formerly-classified UFO files.
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