Made worse by a cell phone – Notice all the TV ads for erectile dysfunction lately? Men can become impotent in surprising ways and one of them is carrying their cell phone in a side pocket. And carrying your cell on your belt can cause a much more minor problem, which could become important later. That’s scary!

There is increasing evidence that cell phone use can lead to brain tumors and salivary gland cancer. A brain tumor is what killed Ted Kennedy and film critic Roger Ebert had salivary gland cancer.
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What kind will it be? – Will UFO disclosure come any time soon? In his newest Journal, Whitley writes about the various types of disclosure that could come about and the pros and cons of each. Don’t miss this one: If you got our FREE weekly email newsletter, you would have already read it. To sign up, click here. If you love our great radio shows, Whitley’s journals and Anne’s diaries, make sure they keep coming your way: Subscribe today.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

In a recent news anecdote, Jimmy Carter said that opposition to president Obama is centered in deep-seated, unacknowledged racism. On TV, one can see that the protesters are different from what might be expected: It’s OLDER people who are carrying signs calling him a “Nazi.” When we think about it, most of us are used to seeing young people in this sort of protest, such as the protesters in Iran who claim the recent election was rigged. What’s going on?
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On October 8, an asteroid exploded over Indonesia with the force of a small atomic bomb. This is the same day that earthquakes struck the area. The detonation took place twelve miles up and caused no damage on the ground, but had the object struck the surface it could have easily obliterated a city. Despite the fact that it was nine feet across, the asteroid was not detected at all prior to its entry into our atmosphere. Last week, another substantial asteroid flew past us between the earth and the moon, and was not detected until hours prior to its closest approach. Since July, large impacts have been recorded on Jupiter, in one of the rings of Saturn and possibly on more