for people & for the planet – It’s not over yet and won’t be until more jobs are available! But while economic turndowns are miserable for the mind, they are not necessarily bad for the body. Scientists say that a recession may also be healthy for our PLANET.

The Great Depression had a silver lining: During that hard time, US life expectancy actually increased by almost 6 years, from a little over age 57 to over age 63 in 1932. The increase occurred for both men and women, and for whites and non-whites.
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Will the vaccine still work when we finally get it? – Linda Moulton Howe will be back on Dreamland this week with a special report on the mutating Swine Flu virus and we’ll be talking to a scientist who has UFO experiences on Dreamland! Does the virus mutation mean that the Swine Flu vaccinations which most of us are still waiting to get will be ineffective?

Infectious disease experts are awaiting an infinitesimal event of momentous importance: The mutation of the novel H1N1 influenza virus. Microbiologist John Tudor says, “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization are constantly monitoring the virus as it spreads, but there is no way to predict where, when or if mutation will occur.”
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Is there a way to solve this problem? – It’s one of those conundrums that lurks in the shadows. We already send lots of money, and sometimes even surplus food, to starving people in Third World countries. Maybe we SHOULD eat less, but how would that help them? But government officials have the answer to that: They think that excessive consumption in the First World drives up food prices worldwide, by reducing the overall supply.
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Anne Strieber has often written about the incredible synchronicities in her life. Extraordinary coincidences happened to other people recently too.

What’s the probability of two complete strangers, whose sons concurrently starred on Broadway in the Tony-Award-winning hit Billy Elliot the Musical, being hired by the same employer? Not very likely, but that’s exactly what happened to Tammie Cumming and David Alvarez-Carbonell when they were both hired at New York City College. Cumming’s son, Alex Ko, will be the fifth actor to rotate into the title role of “Billy Elliot,” joining Alvarez-Carbonell’s son David, who has starred in the show since it opened on Broadway last fall.
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