Toilet seats are safer than most people think they are, but it turns out that showers can be dangerous.

A film of bacteria clings to the inside of most shower heads and is pushed out by the water when you take a shower, meaning you get a large dose of warm germs. Shower heads can contain as much as 100 times the levels of bacteria found in water.

Researchers who tested shower heads at random found that 30% of them had significant levels of Mycobacterium avium, which most often infects people with compromised immune systems but which can occasionally infect healthy people too.
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Humans aren’t the only ones who get stressed. Stress on polar bears from their melting environment is stunting their growth!

When scientists compared polar bear skulls from the early 20th century to recent ones, they found they are getting smaller (meaning the bodies they were attached to are getting smaller as well). This correlates with global warming stress on the polar bear environment.

BBC News, Victoria Gill quotes biologist Cino Pertoldi as saying this is “because the ice is melting, the bears have to use much more energy to hunt their prey.”
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UFOs seem to be avoiding US skies, but they are showing themselves in a big way over a little country in South America called Suriname. There have been so many sightings there recently that the government has set up a hot line for UFO reports.

They are often orange and, as all UFO witnesses would expect, are showing up in groups of 3.

This story came from our Out There section, which you can access by clicking on the tab at the top of our homepage. If you want to make sure we STAY out there for you, subscribe today! When groups of witnesses get together, UFOs often show up and we’re hoping that happens at our Stargate Conference in the desert in October, so JOIN US!

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In Whitley’s new Journal, he says that there is an obvious solution to the healthcare debate and explains why NEITHER side has it right!

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