A surprising one this time – We have suggested numerous bizarre replacements for fossil fuels over the years. Here’s yet ANOTHER suggestion for something other than gasoline to put in our cars: Watermelon juice. And if it doesn’t work in the car, it makes great moonshine!

The problem with watermelons is, just like corn, farmers produce too much, and blemished fruit is often left to rot in the fields. Brazil runs its vehicles on sugar, so maybe we can run ours on fructose.
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The dangerous greenhouse gas methane is leaking, bubbling up from the bottoms of oceans and lakes around the world. Two places this is happening is in lakes in Washington State and Canada. Canadian researcher Rob Bowen says a tossed match would set the surface of these lakes on fire because “It’s essentially pure methane.”

Permafrost, which is frozen soil that covers one-fifth of the earth’s land surface, is also found from 160 to 200 feet under water. Plant and animal matter have accumulated in this frozen soil for thousands of years, and global warming could release it all at once.
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The world is full of mysteries, and some of them are right in front of us. For instance, the huge variety of dogs: Long dogs, large dogs, tiny dogs. Most “toy” breeds have larger “standard” sizes that they were bred down from (poodles are one of the best known examples of this). One exception is the Chihuahua: Where is the big ancestor to the tiny dogs of today? Maybe there ISN’T one, maybe these little dogs, which are about the size of a steak, were originally bred for FOOD.

September 8th edition of the New York Times, Nicholas Wade reports that ALL dogs may have originally been bred to eat. Only later, after humans had them around for awhile, did we realize they could be useful for other specific tasks, such as hunting, herding and pulling sleds.
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In Anne Strieber’s latest diary, she writes: “In my rather ‘naughty’ diary a few weeks ago, I wrote about celebrating an uncle’s 90th birthday by going skinny dipping (and no, the uncle was NOT one of the participants, although he’s a pretty game guy, and I wouldn’t have been surprised if he had joined in). I have a funny follow-up to that story, plus a new set of portents that hit me with a wallop after I got home. I sometimes think that God (or Goddess or the Great Spirit or Whomever) has realized I don’t listen to whispers in my ear, so I get hit over the head with a metaphorical frying pan instead.” We guarantee that you’ll have an enlightening time at our Stargate Conference in October and remember: If you got our FREE weekly email newsletter, you would have already read this story!read more