If you live in Vienna, you can chase them away with your radio, but most of us just swat them. Why do we usually miss?

In LiveScience.com, Jason Socrates Bardi explains that mosquitoes are so lightweight that it’s easy to push them away when we’re trying to swat them. It’s much more effective to clap our hands together and trap the mosquito in the middle. The very BEST way (if you can stand it) is to wait until they land on your body, THEN swat them.
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Comes from China! – It’s about time: In a direct contradiction of the long-asserted claim of skeptics that “no astronomer has ever filmed a UFO,” Chinese astronomers have announced that they videotaped one for forty minutes during the July 22 eclipse that was seen over most of Asia. While the UFO community is filled with speculation that this incontrovertible sighting may result in an official announcement on the part of the Chinese government, so far no such announcement has been made.
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…to talk about time slips! – Starfire Tor will be on Coast that night as well, and she will also be at our Joshua Tree conference in October. To find out where to listen to Coast in your area, click here.

Art credit: Dreamstime.com

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

in his new journal – In his new Journal, Whitley Strieber writes: “Lorenzo Maccone of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology suggests that the entropic nature of movement through time may be an illusion. He told the New Scientist, ‘If you analyze (the laws of quantum dynamics) carefully, you’ll see that all the processes where things run backward can happen, but they don’t leave any trace of having happened.'” This isn’t the first time Whitley has explored time travel. And what does this have to do with this week’s Dreamland? Read it and see!

Art credit: Dreamstime.com

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more