Thanks to Religion – Woman aren’t just discriminated against in the Middle East. Fundamentalists in Europe are a threat to women and so are fundamentalists right here in the US!

If given to girls in childhood, the HPV vaccine can prevent the types of sexually transmitted disease that can eventually lead to the silent killer which is cervical cancer. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices recommends the human papillomavirus vaccination for all 11- and 12-year-old girls, but two years later, results of a recent survey of pediatricians across the US showed that more than half of the physicians in Texas do NOT follow these recommendations.
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In Whitley’s philosophical new Journal, he dispels the dark mood of his earlier journal and finds new understanding of some of the things he went through on his “initiation” into the world of the Visitors. If you treasure Whitley’s writing, make sure he can continue to come into your computer in the future: Subscribe today!

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In Anne Strieber’s very funny new Diary, she writes: “I’m afraid this diary may insult both dog lovers and Irishmen but hey, that’s never stopped me yet!” If you love Anne’s diaries and Whitley’s journals, support this site: Subscribe today!

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In his emotional new Journal, Whitley writes personally, for the first time, about something about his abduction that Anne Strieber reported learning about only a year ago. If you got our FREE weekly email newsletter, you would have already read this story! To sign up, click here (and we NEVER share you email address with anyone).

If you love Anne’s diaries and Whitley’sjournals, support this site: Subscribe today!

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