The truth that Bush tried to hide – We all keep hoping the Obama will reveal what the government knows about UFOs, but while this hasn’t happened yet, they HAVE revealed some fascinating classified information. Satellite evidence of a huge retreat of polar ice from the shores of northern Alaska between July of 2006 and July of 2007, that was classified by the Bush Administration, has just been released by the Obama Administration.
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One time it really was! – Recent questions about the death of Michael Jackson have focused media attention on the commonly used intravenous anesthetic propofol, since an autopsy revealed large amounts of this drug in his body. The doctor who prescribed it wasn’t trying to kill him, but researchers have found a case 5 years ago where the drug was used as a murder weapon.
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To piss off petroleum providers – Urine-powered cars, homes and personal electronic devices could be available in six months. No, you won’t be pee into a battery: urine will be collected from cattle, just as it was collected from pregnant mares when hormone replacement therapy was being prescribed for post-menopausal women. Soon we’ll use cows for more than milk: just one of them can provide enough energy to supply hot water for 19 houses.
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Astronomers observed a huge scar on Jupiter on July 20, thought to be caused by a comet or asteroid impact. Now a similar scar has appeared on Venus. Because Venus is an inner planet, it is less likely that this scar was caused by an incoming object. However, if it is volcanic in origin, it would have been the result of an extraordinary eruption. It is also possible that it was caused by a wave of charged particles from the sun, but this is unlikely because no such wave was recorded on earth. If it is the result of a strike by space rock, it could mean that a significant number of undetected large objects are presently entering our solar system, and are reaching the inner more