We switched, but maybe YOU won’t have to!

When Congress passed a new energy law two years ago, with new efficiency standards that will take effect in 2012, it was assumed that the incandescent light bulb was a thing of the past, as people switched to fluorescents. But fluorescent bulbs contain mercury, which presents a disposal problem, so researchers are trying to figure out how to create a incandescent bulb that will meet the new standards.
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In Whitley’s dynamic new journal, he writes about how our policy of secretly shooting at UFOs may be the main reason that humanity has not reached the heights to which it would otherwise seemed destined to rise. Don’t miss this one, and if you love Whitley’s journals and Anne’s diaries, as well as all the other great things we do for you, make sure they’ll still be here in the future: Subscribe today!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

Our brains are what make us fat, not just our eating habits. A variation in a single gene is associated with an increased risk for obesity, because it influences our appetite.

People who have inherited the gene variant NRXN3 have a 10-15% increased risk of being obese compared with people who do not have the variant. This is the third obesity-associated gene to be identified.
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Things are definitely starting to heat up again, and global warming may speed up the pace of evolution in mammals. Will we get smarter in order to save ourselves?

In warmer climates, the cells that eventually develop into sperm and eggs divide more frequently. In BBC News, Victoria Gill quotes researcher Len Gillman as saying, “An increase in cell division provides more opportunities for mutations in the population over a given time. This increases the probability of advantageous mutations that are selected for within the species.”
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