Something that government officials don’t like to admit is that most of the homeless people who ask for money on the street are mentally ill. Some of them are addicted to alcohol, drugs (or both), but since the mental hospitals have closed and the recession is still going strong, we are all seeing more and more of these people on the streets of our local communities.

Reducing the number of beds available in public psychiatric hospitals is associated with increased suicide rates and community-based mental health care is usually not enough to make a difference. A new study finds that for every bed lost for 100,000 people in the population, 45 additional suicides occur per year.
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We now know that bacteria plan ahead. New research has revealed that some plants are hypochondriacs. Nature has a lot to tell us if we’ll only listen.

They don’t actually THINK they’re sick when they’re not, the way human hypochondriacs do. What they do is PRETEND to be sick, in order to fend off attacks by moths that only want to lay their eggs on healthy leaves. These strangely wonderful plants are only found in the rainforests of Ecuador, which is yet another reason to preserve these valuable places.
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…Quit trying to hook our teens on smoking – President Barack Obama’s signature on a bill to grant the FDA authority to regulate tobacco was a historic step that could eliminate tobacco use in the US by 2047. To save themselves, tobacco companies are still trying desperately to hook teens on smoking. They know that major genetic risk for lifelong nicotine dependence can be suppressed if young people avoid daily smoking before age 17.
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In Whitley’s new Journal, he reflects on this year’s Dreamland Festival and on the crop circle that Linda Howe gave an extraordinary report on there. To see the formation he’s talking about, click here. And that wasn’t the only thing that went on at the Festival!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more