Gangs are a major problem in urban areas, and now scientists have discovered that boys who carry a particular variation of a gene known as MAOA, which is sometimes called the “warrior gene,” are more likely not only to join gangs but also to be among the most violent members and to use weapons. This finding does not apply to girls (who also join gangs).
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AGAIN – The Tunguska mystery has been solved: it was a comet, not a UFO, that flattened leveled 830 square miles of Siberian forest in 1908. But now NASA scientists have verified this by studying the exhaust plume from the NASA space shuttle launched a century later.

Engineer Michael Kelley was able to connect the two events by what followed each one about a day later: brilliant, night-visible clouds, or noctilucent clouds, that are made up of ice particles and only form at very high altitudes and in extremely cold temperatures.

The researchers contend that the massive amount of water vapor spewed into the atmosphere by the comet
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UPDATE! – In this week’s subscriber section, Whitley meditates on two new crop circles and discovers that they are predicting something about the SUN. He even has a specific TIME and DATE when solar changes will happen!

Scientists who study jet streams deep within the atmosphere of the sun have discovered that they are moving into areas that will cause the new sunspot cycle to start again in earnest. Because this solar jet stream flows beneath the surface of the sun, it’s not directly visible, but its results certainly are. This will mean another solar maximum, and with it a resumption in the intense weather changes associated with global warming here on earth. The reprieve may be over and all we’ve done is to lower the MPG standards for more

Things got pretty nasty during the 2008 Presidential campaign, but researchers have discovered a way for everybody to “be nice” during future campaigns and political rallies. It has to do with the music: they shouldn’t sing patriotic songs, they should sing children’s songs instead.
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