Whitley’s Journal – In Whitley’s new Journal, he writes about how a photograph taken in 1917, which he spotted in a section of old photos printed in a recent newspaper, CONFIRMED a time slip which he has talked about for years! Time’s passing, but it’s not too late to get tickets to the Dreamland Festival OR to get your 2009 crop circle calendar ON SALE.

Art credit: Dreamstime.com

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

And Anne celebrates tool users for Father’s Day weekend – In Whitley’s new Journal, he writes about how a recent photograph taken in 1917, which he spotted in a section of old photographs printed in a recent newspaper, CONFIRMED a time slip which he has talked about for years! And in honor of the many hard-working fathers we are celebrating this weekend, we are reminding you about Anne Strieber’s new diary. Her advice for a Father’s Day gift? Get him a socket wrench (whatever that is) because “It works every time.”

Art credit: Dreamstime.com

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

Would-be Dads should use them on a desk – While fatherhood might be far from the minds of most young men, behavior patterns they establish early on may impact their ability to become a dad later in life. Excessive laptop use (as well as wearing briefs instead of boxers) may be one of the biggest problems. Also, don’t eat too many sweets!
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A number of incredible crop circles have appeared this year, including one that represents a jellyfish, at a time when strange jellyfish-shaped lightning appeared over France, and the world jellyfish population is exploding, crowding out edible ocean fish. Is all this a warning for us?
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