Strange clouds appear worldwide – In the June 5th edition of the Daily Mail, Luke Salkeld describes the strange clouds that are currently being seen in the UK. He describes them as “whipped into fantastical shapes, these clouds hang over the darkening landscape like the harbingers of a mighty storm.” But despite their threatening appearance, they usually do not lead to rain. Does this have something to do with global warming?
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One of the things that Whitley talks about on this week’s Dreamland is how his implant has changed him: he has experienced time slips. This is something that Robert Koontz says would be likely to happen to a person who has been implanted by extraterrestrials, who would be likely to live under different laws of physics, including different time, than we do. And on this week’s Revelations, listen to the always loquacious Jim Marrs discuss the Bible, covert ops AND tell William Henry what he plans to talk about at our Dreamland Festival in June!

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Everyone craves it (almost everyone, that is), but some people say it isn’t all that good for you. But no matter how you feel about it, it’s long overdue for a makeover.

Enriching meats with fiber and omega-3 fatty acids may help consumers to associate meat with a healthy lifestyle. One of the healthy things that meat contains is conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which preliminary studies on animals show may reduce cancer.
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“When did you first learn about the swine flu outbreak?””Have you searched the Internet for additional information on the swine flu outbreak?””If a vaccine for swine flu became available, would you want to be vaccinated?”These questions were posted (as an experiment) on Facebook on Saturday, April 25, just a day or two after concerns of H1N1, or “swine” flu, swept across the country.
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