That familiar triangle shape – In France, Rennes is a magical place that is implicated in the DaVinci Code scenario. It’s also a place where triangular UFOs have been sighted recently. We report on a couple who have learned how to “call” UFOs on this week’s Dreamland!

On the French UFO website, an anonymous witness writes about the sighting of one of these UFOs above a highway, which eventually hovered above them. It seemed to be lit up in orange and blue.

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When men donate sperm, they might worry about the results, but should people be concerned about receiving an organ donation from a deceased murderer? Surprisingly, a number of them are.

BBC News reports that neuroscientist Bruce Hood discovered this after surveying 20 students about how they would feel about such a donor if they needed a heart transplant in order to save their lives and was surprised at the result: “Essentially they believe they will somehow take on those characteristics of the donor.”
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If you think having loads of money (from a good job?), good looks or the admiration of others will improve your life, think again. A new study shows that these things can actually make you LESS happy.
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Was Mayan medicine as good as their calendars were? Researchers are looking at the plants shown in Mayan art so they can identify them and find out why that civilization thought of them as sacred.

Were they hallucinogens or something that we could use in our own pharmacies? Many so-called modern medicines have their origins in healing plants used by indigenous people, especially those living in the rainforests of the world.
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