If you want to be a safe driver, don’t get a fancy ring tone for your cell phone. A new study shows that just the ring of a cell phone may be as distracting as talking on the phone while driving, especially if it’s a familiar song.
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In the wake of the recent crash of an Air France plane into the Atlantic ocean during a flight from Brazil to Paris on June 1st, which killed almost250 people, it is interesting to note that a few days earlier, on May 29, a Continental Express pilot reported a “missile or rocket” flying near his airplane. The manner in which the Air France plane disintegrated, scattering debris throughout the ocean, is similar to what would have happened had there beenan explosion. However, it is also true that the plane wasflying in violent weather. If it was instantaneouslydestroyed by athunderstorm, it would be the first such disaster to strikea third-generation jetliner.
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As GM goes under and more and more companies consider bankruptcy to deal with sky-high debt and an economy in recession, the question is: will this help the companies?

Researcher Erik Lie thinks these moves might provide only limited help for many. He thinks that companies that enter bankruptcy and then emerge too soon with too much debt, may do poorly when compared to similar companies that manage to survive.
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The ultimate misery: you’re overweight AND you can’t get to sleep at night. It turns out these two problems may be related.

If you’ve ever been sleep deprived, you know the feeling that your brain is full of wool. A new study provides scientific evidence for that woolly feeling

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more