GOING ON NOW! – Today at 1 pm Pacific Whitley will interview Dr. Leo Sprinkle, who has spent many years interviewing UFO contactees and collecting information about UFOs. Unknowncountry’s live video feed is now available in oursubscriber section only, as a password protected feature ofUnknowncountry.com. You can watch Whitley as he interviews Sprinkle and you can text questions to him during the interview about what happened in the past and what may happen in the future.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

Want to give birth to a girl? Move to the tropics. It’s a good idea to provide your kids with sisters because experts say that sisters spread happiness in a family while brothers spread distress. But if you’re pregnant with a boy, you may need to stop wearing makeup.

Experts know that the birth rates of boys and girls vary across the globe, and people who live near the equator have more girl babies than people living in the rest of the world, and the chances of giving birth to a boy increase as you head south.
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When is a placebo not a placebo? When it’s a nocebo.

Can we THINK ourselves to death? In New Scientist, Helen Pilcher tells the story of a US man who was told by a local witch doctor that he was going to die. He promptly took to his bed and began to do so. When he was admitted to the hospital, his wife told one of his doctors, Drayton Doherty, what had happened.
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If you want to find planets that find harbor intelligent life, you need to do what the early explorers did right here on earth: look for water.

Since the early 1990s astronomers have discovered more than 300 planets orbiting stars other than our sun, nearly all of them gas giants like Jupiter. The new generation of powerful NASA space telescopes will make it easier to spot much smaller planets that are more similar to earth.
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