Do they destroy it too? – Robot landers that were sent to Mars to search for life may actually have destroyed it.

In New Scientist, David Shiga reports that NASA’s Phoenix lander found chemicals called perchlorates in the Martian soil. When heated, these release oxygen and thus cause nearby material to burn (which is why they are used in rocket fuel). The heat from the Mars lander may have heated the perchlorates in the soil and burned away any life forms there before the lander could detect them.
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“Monk” with a baseball bat? The image of the obsessive-compulsive TV detective swinging away may seem ludicrous, but it’s not so far-fetched after all, because it turns out that the best athletes are all “OC.” And You know you shouldn’t take vitamins after you exercise. We’ve also told you that chocolate milk and coffee work better than sports drinks. The latest recommendation for your recovery after playing sports? Cereal and milk!

In New Scientist, Peter Aldhous reports on what we’ve all noticed when the TV camera gives us close-ups of the dugout: athletes are superstitious. They have certain rituals, such as twirling their bats or wearing their caps a certain way, that they repeat with every game because they think this will help them to win.
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If you wore flip-flips and a baseball cap, you were taking a risk, because they expose your ear tops and foot tops to the sun (and to skin cancer). And who remembers to put suntan lotion on these two places? There’s even more of a problem if you drove to the beach.

Dermatologist Anthony Peterson says, “Those areas of their bodies have very little protection. Combine that with the fact that most people using sunscreen frequently overlook those parts of their bodies when applying it.”

Believe it or not, dermatologists say we should use a sunscreen with an SPF of least 15 EVERY day, whether or not we’re heading for the beach. And we should wear it in the fall as well as in the summer.
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Whitley will be on Coast to Coast AM tonight with George Noory from 10 to 11 pm Pacific talking about real UFO incidents and MORE! To find out where YOU can listen, click here. And if you want to meet Whitley in person, come to our Dreamland Festival in June.

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