Memorial Day – In Anne Strieber’s new diary, she writes: “Whitley and I just had one of the most profoundly moving experiences of our lives, one which was also a real privilege to be part of. It was also one of the most painful experiences we’ve ever had.” Some people can justify anything. The experience also reminded her of a couple of SONGS. If you love Anne’s diaries, come meet her in person at our Dreamland Festival in June. Last year she had some really interesting things to say, and this year she’ll have even more. She’s not afraid of controversy and is always willing to speak her mind! And remember: (subscribers get 10% off ticket prices).

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

Could swine flu be the result of a lab accident? The evidence that it’s made up of viruses from both Mexican and European pigs points to this, because it’s illegal to export pigs from Europe to South America, and we know that scientists are working on creating a universal flu vaccine.

A claim by an Australian virus researcher that swine flu may have been created by human error is being investigated by the World Health Organization (WHO).
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One of the things we often report on here on unknowncountry are cattle, cat (and human?) mutilations. It turns out that Florida is now having a wave of cat mutilations.

Cat mutilations have been a dismal reality throughout the world at least since the 1970s, and there have been periods when waves of mutilations literally circled the planet. Cattle mutilations are bad enough, but these are particularly vicious and horrible because of the way the pets are eviscerated and then generally put back where they were found, often on the owners’ doorsteps.
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Unknowncountry Exclusive – This week’s Dreamland features a scientistdiscussing an implant that was placed in his body inFebruary of 2008. This is the most exhaustively studied ofall the fourteen objects that have so far been extractedfrom close encounter witnesses by Dr. Roger Leir and hissurgical team. Prior it its being removed from Mr. Smith’sbody, like a number of other similar objects, it was foundto be broadcasting an FM signal. Keep reading to learn the conclusions of the lab report on this implant.
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