Ambigrams! – All those symbols flashing in Web site promos and posters promoting Ron Howard’s new film Angels & Demons, based on the novel by Dan Brown, were created by a professor of typography. John Langdon, who, not by coincidence, shares the same last name as the film’s protagonist played by Tom Hanks, has been creating ambigrams (words that can be read from left to right, upside down or from multiple viewpoints) since the 1970s. They were first seen by the public in Brown’s novel, Angels and Demons, in 2000.

Five of Langdon’s illuminati ambigrams play an integral part in Robert Langdon

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SETI has spent over 20 years searching for a signal that would indicate the presence of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. An Australian astrophysicist may have finally found it.

Ragbir Bhathal has been careful, however. He spent months checking his equipment, making sure the signal wasn’t a random glitch caused by some malfunction. He has also been checking the same co-ordinates of the night sky on an almost daily basis since, hoping to pick up the signal again.
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An all-white future? – We all know about segregation in elementary and high schools, but segregation in BUSINESS SCHOOLS can affect the way the US will look in the future. When you walk into an office, will it be an all-white world?
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The Taos Hum, the Bristol Hum, the Kokomo Hum: mystery hums are heard all over the world and are driving sufferers crazy. Sometimes the hums have been identified as traffic or factory noise, but mostly they can only be heard in very specific spots, such as one home on a street or a certain neighborhood, and the source cannot be identified. Generally they cannot be recorded, and yet people complaining of them do not have diseases like tinnitus, or chronic ringing in the ears. Mysterious booming sounds are another mysterious problem worldwide. Now more