If you exercise strenuously, then go home and take some vitamins, those supplements may undo some of the benefits of your workout.

Some researchers recommend taking vitamin C and E to help protect the body from the by-products of sweat, but scientists now think that these “free radicals” may actually be good for us, because exercise increases the body’s sensitivity to insulin, and thus helps protect against Type II diabetes.

BBC News quotes researcher Sarah Aldred as saying, “It doesn’t mean that antioxidants like vitamin C and vitamin E are bad for us, it just means that sometimes we need to consider whether taking supplements is actually beneficial. As this study shows it is not actually always the case.”
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May 22-25 & it’s not too late to get tickets! – Visit beautiful Sun Valley, Idaho on the weekend of May 22-25 and find out, from Dreamland host Marla Frees, how to become your OWN psychic detective! In fact, she will be doing a whole afternoon of connecting to people’s deceased loved ones. To find out more, click here. And don’t miss Marla at our Dreamland Festival!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

Whitley has written a novel titled “2012,” which is being made into a major motion picture. Unknowncountry’s live video feed is now available in oursubscriber section only, as a password protected feature ofUnknowncountry.com. On Tuesday, May 19 at 1 p.m. Pacific, our subscribers can watch Whitley as he interviews Lawrence E. Joseph, author of Apocalypse 2012: An Investigation into Civilization’s End and you can text questions to Joseph during the interview.

Art credit: Dreamstime.com

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

The recent Swine Flu scare reminds us yet again that humans catch a lot of diseases from animals. And who’s most likely to get these diseases? Veterinarians! Just because it’s controversial doesn’t mean it’s not true.
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