We can get back to REAL SCIENCE again – Matthew 15:31 says, “The people were amazed when they saw the mute speaking, the crippled made well, the lame walking and the blind seeing.” In those days it was miracles. Today it is stem cells!

Now that President Obama has OK’d stem cell research again, scientists may be able to create a stem cell that can restore hearing to deaf people, which is especially important now that he’s also bringing so many soldiers home. Stem cells may also help CURE the biggest cause of blindness in the world.
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Not true BUT if you want your kid not to need them, here’s how – If you assume that everyone will need glasses after a certain age, it turns out that’s not true. Spending pending two to three hours a day outdoors can markedly lower a child’s risk of becoming nearsighted. And playing video games IMPROVES your kid’s vision!

Ophthalmologist Terri Young says, “Myopia is the leading eye disability in the world: a significant global public health concern.” About one-third of US adults suffer from it, and the number of individuals with myopia is estimated to grow from 1.6 billion worldwide today to 2.5 billion by the year 2020.
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Unknowncountry’s live video feed is now available in oursubscriber section only, as a password protected feature ofUnknowncountry.com. It will be used for prerecordingDreamland and for live video meditations with WhitleyStrieber and private subscriber-only discussions with manyof our guests and hosts. The next live show will be on Tuesday, May 12 at 10 am Pacific with “John Smith,” whose implant was recently removed by Dr. Roger Leir and extensively tested. It was found to be made of materials not of this earth. He will discuss these amazing test results with Whitley.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

Will the planet continue to heat up or will the absence of sunspots help it to remain stable, or even cool down? The sun is the least active it’s been in decades and the dimmest it’s been in a hundred years. The same thing happened during the Little Ice Age, which lasted from about 1300 to 1850. But the sun is coming to life again.

In the coldest period, between 1645 and 1715, there was also a temporary lull in solar storms. During that time, access to Greenland was cut off by ice, and canals in the Netherlands were frozen. Glaciers in the Alps swallowed up whole villages.
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