With the new movie Star Trek opening in theaters across the nation, one thing movie goers will undoubtedly see is the Starship Enterprise racing across the galaxy at the speed of light. But can traveling at warp speed ever become a reality? Scientists think it can.

Two physicists believe they have an idea that can turn traveling at the speed of light from science fiction to science, and their idea does not break any laws of physics. Gerald Cleaver and Richard Obousy theorize that manipulating the space-time dimensions around the spaceship with a massive amount of energy would create a “bubble” that could push the ship faster than the speed of light.
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The bad news: there are lots more autistics out there than we thought, because the kids with mild versions of this disease often slip through the cracks. The good news: most of them (in Utah, anyway) are functioning just fine as adults. And “Rain Man” savant type skills, such as astounding memory, perfect pitch or the ability to multiply very high numbers together, may be much more common among autistics than previously thought as well.
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The idea that gravity might pull a planet into its parent star has been predicted by computer models, but now astronomers have found evidence that this has actually happened.

Astronomer Rory Barnes says, “When we look at the observed properties of extrasolar planets, we can see that this has already happened. Some extrasolar planets have already fallen into their stars.” How does he know this? Computer models show where planets should line up in a particular star system, but direct observations show that some systems are missing planets close to the stars where models say they should be.
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As we celebrate Mother’s Day this weekend, we begin to think about the place where human life began. We may have discovered the location of the mythical Garden of Eden (which may not have been so mythical after all).
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