Whitley twitters. We’ve talked about Twitter morality. Now we have news about people who can twitter using only their brains. And will the internet ITSELF someday be conscious (the Master of the Key said this would happen). Or is it conscious already?

Adam Wilson posted a Twitter message just by thinking about it. Just 23 characters long, his message, “using EEG to send tweet,” shows how “locked-in” patients can use modern communication tools.

Wilson is not in that condition himself. He’s a biomedical engineering student who is trying to perfect a communication system for users whose bodies do not work, but whose brains function normally. Among those are people who have amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), brain-stem stroke or high spinal cord injury.
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Similar looking UFOs were photographed flying over the streets of Moscow and the pyramids of Egypt recently. As William Henry can attest, there’s a lot of wisdom to be found in Egypt (maybe this craft was trying to tap into some of it?)

Next time we have a subscriber chat with special effect artist Steve Neill, he can give us his opinion on these photos. Meanwhile, check out William’s new show “Revelations,” in which he does short, 30 minute interviews with some of the most interesting people in the world. You can listen to the latest one, with Tim Wallace-Murphy talking about the Shroud of Turin, now!
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In 2002, the Sci Fi TV channel sponsored an excavation at the site of the famous 1947 Roswell, New Mexico UFO crash and found an artifact. This artifact, a tiny piece of metal, has now been thoroughly analyzed by researcher Chuck Zukowski, using an electron microscope.

The object turned out to be mostly made of aluminum silicate, which can be found in nature, so there is no proof that this object came from the crash. In the Roswell Daily Record, Cid Standifer quotes archeologist Bill Doleman as saying, “We want to announce to the world that this stuff needs further analysis. We want to figure out that they are using the best scientific methods available.”
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A few weeks ago, we posted a story about the missing years of the Shroud of Turin and the new revelation that it was hidden by the Knights Templar. This week, popular Dreamland host William Henry has a NEW interview up in his Revelations show. This time, he interviews Tim Wallace-Murphy about what happened to the shroud, and you can listen to it now! You can meet William in person in June at our Dreamland Festival June 26-28 (and subscribersget 10% off ticket prices).

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more