The economy may be showing signs of improvement but economists think that consumers will keep their newly-adopted thriftier habits for the long haul. This means that they’ll buy less, so that the economy won’t improve as quickly as it would have if everyone went back to their old ways. But will we be willing to give up on gambling?

Psychologist Michael McCall says, “Several months ago, we were in shock; nobody believed what was happening. So it was a stress-like reaction. Now people are spending less. People are tightening their belts and it is not clear exactly when they will stop tightening and start spending again.
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Scientists are still working on creating invisibility and have now found a way to make objects invisible in near-infrared light. Soon they may be able to create invisibility in full-spectrum light (the kind we see).Mechanical engineer Xiang Zhang has created what he calls a “carpet cloak” made up of mesh fabric. He makes some parts of the object cloaked invisible, and alters the look of the object, by filling up some of the holes, while leaving the others empty. In BBC News, Victoria Gill quotes Zhang as saying, “Essentially, we are transforming a straight line of light into a curved line around the cloak, so you don’t perceive any change in its pathway.”
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and one SQUARE – People often expect the “saucer-shaped” craft to be the most common form of UFOs, but a surprising number of sightings are of triangle-shaped craft. The photo illustrating this story is from a sighting that took place in California on March 16, but there have been other recent sightings of mysterious flying triangles, including a SQUARE UFO (TWO triangles?) in Scotland.

One of them turned up in Texas on March 20. A couple driving home on a highway at night saw four lights in the sky in a V-ormation, which started off about 50 feet off the ground then slowly rose to a height of about a thousand feet before it disappeared. It made no sound.
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Ladies: we can wear their shirts and use their cologne. Now we can use their sex drugs too!

One needs only turn on the television to understand that significant advances have been made in the cure and treatment of male sexual dysfunction. Less visible progress has been made in understanding and treating female sexual disorders (FSD), a complex and multi-layered problem. A team of researchers has found that the drugs that help men may some day help women too.
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