Swine Flu spreads all over New York City – The Swine Flu outbreak in New York started in one private school in a borough of Manhattan, probably from a student whose family had recently taken a trip to Mexico, but the flu has now spread across the city to hundreds of people. Since New Yorkers commute to the city from New Jersey, Connecticut and even Pennsylvania, it will soon show up there too. Many of them also have weekend houses upstate. It has also quickly spread to other New York schools. Thank goodness the pandemic is not expected to be as serious as it was feared it would be at first.
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These crop circles are truly beautiful. To see them, click here and here. Coming up on Dreamland: Interviews with the authors of TWO crop circle books: Michael Glickman and Andrew Collins! Collins was the FIRST author to be interviewed on William Henry’s new Revelations show! This story came from our Out There section, which you can access by clicking on the tab at the top of the page. You can also click here. If you want to make sure we’re always out there for you, subscribe today!

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

The FDA, after receiving reports of self-injury, suicide and delirium, told the manufacturer of the anti-viral drug Tamiflu to add a warning label to the medicine. This is one of the drugs recommended to help treat, and perhaps even prevent, Swine Flu. Children who took the drug in Japan 3 years ago exhibited these symptoms, which showed up within a day of their taking the drug. These reports came from Japan because the drug is prescribed far more frequently there.Art credit: Dreamstime.com

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Swine Flu, that is – The first person to die of Swine Flu in Oaxaca, Mexico, where the disease originated, was a 39-year-old female census taker who spread the disease throughout the city by making door-to-door visits to at least 300 people while she was highly contagious. She is believed to have directly infected almost everyone she came into contact with, who then went on to spread the disease to other people.
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