Watch out guys: women have more sensitive noses (they can TELL when you wear the same shirt twice!) According to new research, it is more difficult to mask underarm odor when women are doing the smelling.

Researcher Charles J. Wysocki says, “It is quite difficult to block a woman’s awareness of body odor. In contrast, it seems rather easy to do so in men.” He thinks that females may even use the way a man smells as a guide to choosing a mate.

According to Wysocki, “?Our studies indicate that human sweat conveys information that is of particular importance to females. This may explain why it is so difficult to block women?s perception of sweat odors.”
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…or DOES he? – Does the local weatherman in your area always seem to get it wrong? Maybe it’s YOUR fault: new research indicates that only about half the population knows what a forecast means when it predicts a 20% chance of rain. The confusion comes because people don’t understand what the 20% chance of rain actually refers to. Many people think it means that it will rain over 20% of the area covered by the forecast or for 20% of the time period covered by the forecast.
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You know it’s dangerous to drive while talking on your cell phone (in many places this is now illegal). Now scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) are keeping you safe by testing a system in the Detroit area that will help you drive in bad weather by passing along information from other drivers about black ice, fog, and other hazardous weather conditions ahead.

Here’s something you probably didn’t know: you shouldn’t drive if you have a bad cold or the flu. BBC News reports that having a head cold turns out to be as bad for your driving as having a couple of drinks?even though you still pass the breathalyzer test.
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Vegetarians can pig out too. While they tend to eat healthier diets and are less likely than non-vegetarians to be overweight or obese, they may be at increased risk for binge eating with loss of control, and former vegetarians may be at increased risk for extreme unhealthful weight-control behaviors.

When researchers analyzed the eating habits of over 2,500 male and female vegetarians, they found that adolescents and young adults were more likely to report binge eating with loss of control compared to non-vegetarians. Examples of extreme unhealthful weight-control behaviors included “took diet pills,” “made myself vomit,” “used laxatives” and “used diuretics.”

Vegetarians may sometimes be smarter?but not always!

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