UPDATE: Image from shuttle control room shows UFO! – UPDATE: You can see an image of this UFO as seen by the astronauts THROUGH THE WINDOW of the space shuttle by clicking here. YouTube has emerged as a source for UFO videos, taken and posted in the face of official government denial. Of course,many computer graphics artists hone their UFO-faking skillson YouTube, but when the video comes directly from the SpaceShuttle, captured by an astute–and surprised–member of thepublic off NASA TV, you can be sure that it’s authentic. Toview thevideo of what appears to be an enormous disk passing closeto the shuttle Discovery on Mission STS-119 on March 17,click here. Authentic, yes, but an alien spacecraft? Keep reading for our evaluation.
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Scientists have complained for years about junk science in the Bush White House. Now the pope is preaching the same thing!

One of the world’s most prestigious medical journals, the Lancet, has accused Pope Benedict of distorting science in his remarks on condom use. It said the Pope’s recent comments that condoms exacerbated the problem of HIV/Aids were wildly inaccurate and could have devastating consequences and that he had “publicly distorted scientific evidence to promote Catholic doctrine on this issue.” The Pope had said the “cruel epidemic” should be tackled through abstinence and fidelity rather than condom use.
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An 80-year-old Polish former engineer had a permanent sense of d

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

?still going on! – Einstein@Home, launched in 2005 and based at the University of Wisconsin and the Albert Einstein Institute in Germany, is one of the world’s largest public volunteer distributed computing projects. More than 200,000 people have signed up for the project and donated time on their computers to search gravitational wave data for signals from unknown pulsars. In other words, they’re searching for ET.

The project is beginning to analyze data from the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, which is the largest single-aperture radio telescope on the planet and is used for studies of pulsars, galaxies, solar system objects, and the earth’s atmosphere.
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