In Anne Strieber’s new diary, she writes: “Whitley usually appears on television alone, but occasionally I get to make an appearance as well. One of most enjoyable things Whitley and I ever did together was to participate in a live radio show in front of an audience at a casino on an Indian reservation in Vancouver, Canada recently. But I have a feeling that my first time on live radio may also turn out to be my last, because I made a major blunder!” If you love Anne’s diaries, support this site: Subscribe today!

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The Jerusalem Post says that Israel is seriously considering an attack on Iran to prevent it from building nuclear weapons. This is not the first time that an impending attack on Iran by Israel has been rumored. Recently, the International Atomic Energy Agency changed its position on Iranian nuclear capabilities and said that Iran is now capable of building a nuclear weapon. Whitley’s new novel Critical Mass explains why this may really happen this time!
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Thanks to a sharp-eyed”Out There”reader, videos ofidentical and extremely bizarre living forms have emergedfrom two different countries. Both show odd “stick figures”that look nothing like any “alien video” ever made. One wastaken in Fresno, California and the other in Santa Rosa deQuives near Lima, Peru. (Click ‘Full Story’ to see thevideos.)

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Whitley will be sigining books in the Phoenix area on March 7 at 2 p.m. at The Poisoned Pen, 4014 N Goldwater Blvd. Suite 101, Scottsdale, AZ 85251, (480) 947-2974. For information, click here.

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