Problem: drug companies probably won’t make it – Scientists have now deciphered the instruction manual for the common cold, meaning we will be able to invent medicines to cure it, but the drug companies probably won’t bother to develop them since there’s not enough profit in it.

In an effort to confront our most familiar malady, a multi-institutional team of researchers reports the sequences for all of the 99 known strains of cold virus. The work to sequence and analyze the cold virus genomes lays a foundation for understanding the virus, its evolution and three-dimensional structure and, most importantly, for exposing vulnerabilities that could lead to the first effective cold remedies.
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Update: Huge Fireball Crossed Sweden Saturday. – On Friday the 13th at around 10PM US eastern time, sonicbooms were heard across Kentucky, windows trembled andbuildings shook, and green fireballs exploded over thestate. Hours before in Italy, three fireballs were recordedby astronomers. One, captured on video, was ten timesbrighter than the full moon, and has sparked a scientificmeteorite hunt because of its size. Then, on Sunday at 11AM,a fireball so bright that it could be seen easily in directsunlight shot across Austin, Texas, startling hundreds ofpeople running the Austin Marathon with a resounding sonicboom.
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…on Valentine’s Day – Red is for winners (and also for lovers). From the red used in ancient rituals to today’s red hearts on Valentine’s Day, the rosy hue has been tied to carnal passions and romantic love across cultures and millennia. Now scientists have demonstrated that the color red makes men feel more amorous toward women (but men are unaware this).

Psychologist Andrew Elliot says, “It’s fascinating to find that something as ubiquitous as color can be having an effect on our behavior without our awareness.”
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Your chance to meet him in person – In the next two months, Whitley will be traveling all over the West Coast (and Canada), speaking about his new novel Critical Mass. Keep reading to find out when he’s appearing at a bookstore near YOU.

February 26: He will sign books at Mysterious Galaxy, 7051 Clairemont Mesa Blvd.. Suite 302 in San Diego at 7p.m., (858) 268-4747. For more information, click here.

February 28: Whitley will sign books after his appearance with George Noory on a live Coast to Coat AM radio show, broadcast from the River Rock Show Theater in Vancouver, British Columbia. To buy tickets, click here.
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