One month after the U.S. Department of Defense issued similar guidelines, Japan’s Ministry of Defense has issued official protocols for Japanese defense personnel to report encounters with UFOs. The instructions were announced by Defense Minister Tarō Kōno on September 28, urging members of the Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF) to recordread more

  Earth, at least for now, is the most habitable planet that we’re aware of, having been home to lifeforms for nearly the entirety of the planet’s existence, now boasting a complex and diverse biosphere that is (probably) the envy of the Solar System. But while it’s not hard toread more

President Trump went to Walter Reed Medical Center Friday afternoon, 24 hours after testing positive for COVD-19. The president is on a treatment regimen that includes an experimental polyclonal cocktail of antibodies developed by pharmaceutical company Regeneron. He is also taking zinc, Vitamin D, melatonin, the acid-reducer famotidine (Pepcid), andread more