Just when you need it most! – Our exquisite 2009 crop circle calendars are now $10 off?and the year has barely started! This is our lowest price ever, and subscribers get an ADDITIONAL 10% off.

Want to know what the future will bring? Keep tuning into Dreamland: First we brought you astrologer Mahala Gayle (who will be chatting with our subscribers on March 14), then we brought you futurist John Petersen. Then you got to chat with our resident prophet John Hogue on February 21. More exciting chats are coming up, so subscribe today!

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NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

A sign of the future? – During Obama’s inauguration, CNN broadcast an image of a UFO?is this a portent for the future? Or is it a bird close to the camera…or asurveillance blimp in the distance? So far, nobody has comeforward to explain it, and the speed with which it moveswould seem to put to rest the possibility of it being a blimp.

If you got our FREE weekly email newsletter, you would have already read this story! To sign up, click here (and we NEVER share you email address with anyone).

To learn what William Henry thinks about our capitol, don’t miss last week?s Dreamland. To learn what a Washington insider thinks will happen in the future, tune in this weekend!

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…Play golf! – Golf can be frustrating, and that’s bad enough?but did you know that it’s one of the upscale pastimes that can make you deaf?

BBC News reports that frequent golfers in the UK have been going to their doctors for hearing loss, due to the sonic boom the metal head of the club makes when it strikes the ball. A 55-year-old golfer, who had been playing with his snazzy new King Cobra LD titanium club three times a week for 18 months, was told to wear ear plugs on the green. He mentioned that when the club hit the ball, it was “like a gun going off,” and when he received his diagnosis, he threw away the club.

Maybe golfers should take a pill before they go out on the greens.

Art credit: freeimages.co.uk
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UFO crash in the Middle East – According to one reporter, a UFO crashed in Saudi Arabia on January 7, near the capital city Riyadh, which was seen as far away as Kuwait. It was viewed by millions of people, many of whom took photos of it. Thousands of people called the police to report it. Many frightened people began praying when they saw the object in the sky, which was described as being blue-green in color and shooting out green sparks.
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