Consumers are often told to “look but don’t touch,” that if they break an item, they buy it. But a new study suggests that if they just touch an item for more than a few seconds, they may also end up buying it, which is something struggling retailers might heed, when trying to attract more customers in a recession. Speaking of touch, another industry is hoping for a government bailout: the porn industry.
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Whitley’s new novel tells why – As he leaves office, President George W. Bush has warned Barack Obama that a terrorist attack on American soil remains the greatest threat that the United States faces. He said that he continued to receive a terror briefing every morning except Sundays throughout his term in office, and that “there’s still an enemy out there that would like to inflict damage on Americans.” Whitley Strieber’s new thriller Critical Mass, to be published on February 17, reflects the reality of this threat and what it means to our more

If you look along the top of our home page, underneath the masthead and to the right of “the news” tab, you’ll see our brand new “Out There” section, and Whitley Strieber wants to thank you for making it such a hit. “Out There” aggregates UFO and other unusual news stories from around the world, and it has already been visited over half a million times since we announced it in our newsletter last week!

Because of our extensive resources in this area, “Out There” has quickly become among the very best places to get such information. For example, it’s the only single resource on earth following the huge British Isles UFO wave, and virtually the only place where UFO news appears often by the hour or even the minute.
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UPDATE…or maybe it’s the recent swarm of small quakes instead – The geologist who predicted the San Francisco earthquake of 1989 says another California quake is on the way?and SOON.Be thankful that someone new will be running FEMA soon!

The Ventura County Star quotes Jim Berkland as saying, “The first seismic window of the year is only a little less potent than last month’s, which had the strongest tidal forces since 1993.”
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