Researchers used to think that male dinosaurs couldn’t get enough sex, but now they think they had harems of females!

They base this conclusion on studies of emus, which are their closest relatives, which are polygamous, but are also devoted dads. Paleobiologist Gregory M. Erickson noticed that the ancient dinosaur nests he found suggested that “multiple females contributed the eggs and the male guarded them.” So a dinosaur Dad may have had lots of “wives,” but that didn’t mean he had it easy!

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Does what happened in the past tell us what will happen in the future? Only if we have the right interpreter!

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Do the blind dream in images? A blind man CAN navigate through a maze, using his sense of intuition. And facial expressions of joy and defeat are the same for both blind and sighted people, despite the fact that the blind have never seen them.

Researchers are studying a man who was blinded by a stroke but who is able to walk around obstacles without bumping into them. In BBC News, Helen Briggs quotes researcher Beatrice de Gelder as saying, “You can experience a total loss of your cortical vision but still retain some capacity to move around inside and out without damage to yourself. It shows us the importance of these evolutionary ancient visual paths. They contribute more than we think they do for us to function in the real world.”
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Is as bad as second hand? – We all know what second hand smoke is?the smoke you inhale while being in a room full of smokers. But what is THIRD HAND smoke? It turns out it’s the invisible (but toxic) gases and particles that cling to smokers’ hair, clothing, upholstery and curtains–even when no one is currently smoking in the room–and these remnants are DANGEROUS, especially for children!
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Caused by the recession – It’s still going on?The US Army War College is talking about using American troops here in the US, because they expect to encounter civil unrest due to the recession.

On the Newsmax website, Jim Meyers quotes the report as warning that the military needs to prepare for a “violent, strategic dislocation inside the United States” that could be provoked by “unforeseen economic collapse” or “loss of functioning political and legal order.”

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Maybe we don’t need to be afraid of anything? not even death. Does what happened in the past tell us what will happen in the future? Only if we have the right interpreter!

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