What’s ahead for 2009? Futurists are making the following predictions: Anxiety and depression will threaten Americans’ mental health, the US will pull out of Iraq, 100 more banks will fail and healthy eating will fall by the wayside. Keep reading for details.
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In earthfiles.com, our Dreamland science reporter Linda Howe writes that after many warnings, it’s finally happened: Yellowstone has become dangerously restless. But it’s not the volcano eruption that has long been anticipated, it’s an “intense earthquake swarm,” consisting of 250 separate quakes, that could lead to an eruption.

Linda writes, “This energetic sequence of events was most intense on December 27, when the largest number of events of magnitude 3 and up to 3.9 occurred. The Yellowstone Caldera erupted about 640,000 years ago in a ‘super volcano’ that produced 240 cubic miles of ash distributed in a radial pattern from Lava Creek around the caldera.”
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It’s still a mystery – Pollution cuts the earth in half and so does global warming. NASA satellites are tracking just where, on the earth, the most greenhouse gases are being emitted?so countries can no longer plead ignorance about what’s going on within (or rising up from) their borders.
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The most literate cities will surprise you! – A national survey measures a key component in America’s social health by ranking the culture and resources for reading in America’s largest cities, and two of them are in the same state.

The study identifies the top reading cities in this order: Minneapolis, Seattle, Washington D.C., St. Paul, San Francisco, Atlanta, Denver, Boston, St. Louis, Cincinnati, and Portland.
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