?But STRONG! – Having an imperfect body may come with some substantial benefits.The hormones that make women physically stronger, more competitive and better able to deal with stress also tend to redistribute fat from the hips to the waist, so in societies and situations where women are under pressure to procure resources, they may be less likely to have the classic hourglass figure.

Anthropologist Elizabeth Cashdan aims to explain a peculiar observation: women around the world tend to have larger waist-to-hip ratios?more cylindrical rather than hourglass-shaped bodies?than is considered optimal.
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Will our next president take the United States out of the torture business? Human rights experts says that torture and political imprisonment are on the rise in many countries around the world and the United States is setting a bad example. A famous experiment?done in the past and replicated recently?may help explain why this is.
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Everyone’s top New Year’s Resolution – Quitting smoking is one of the top items on most people’s New Year’s resolutions lists, and it certainly should be if you’re black because blacks are more unhealthy than whites?especially when it comes to asthma?despite the fact that African-Americans are much less likely to smoke than whites are during their teens.

However, a new study finds that most of this advantage disappears by mid-adulthood, when their health habits deteriorate. When asked by health care professionals about their health, older African-American adults consistently report poorer health than whites of the same age do.
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The holiday season is almost over, and desperate retailers are bombarding us with advertisements that most of us can’t afford to take advantage of. One of their most popular inducements is to try to get us interested in the latest fad.

Fadshave been a staple of American pop culture for decades, from spandex in the 1980s to skinny jeans today. But while going from fad to flop may seem like the result of fickle consumers, a new study suggests that this is exactly what should be expected of a highly efficient, rationally evolved animal?like us!
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