What part of their BRAINS do they use? – We all want to know (especially since the O.J. trial!) how juries make decisions: with their hearts or with their heads. How to find out? Study their brains!

A neuroscientist and a law professor have teamed up to have peer inside potential jurors’ minds to watch how their brains think about crime and punishment. Professor Owen Jones and researcher Ren

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

Still with us today – It’s hard to believe that pirates are back in our world. In many ways, the Somali pirates bear a striking resemblance to those of the so-called “Golden Age” of pirates in the late 17th and early 18th centuries.

Piracy expert Eric Browne says, “Piracy requires certain circumstances in order to thrive, namely friendly ports, a ready market for stolen goods and/or people willing to accept stolen currency, disgruntled men willing to risk the possible consequences, and lax enough security to operate. Somalia, just like the colonial Atlantic and Caribbean world of Blackbeard and Black Bart, is thus a ‘perfect’ setting for piracy.
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Researchers have found evidence of a surprising pathway for potential human exposure to antibiotic-resistant bacteria from intensively raised poultry: driving behind trucks carrying chickens!
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You can’t hide the truth from your dentist! For instance, they can spot bulemics (who gorge and purge) from the way their teeth become eroded by stomach acid.

Dentist Mohamed Bassiouny is a sort of “tooth detective.” He discovered a patient whose teeth had eroded from stomach acids not caused by an eating disorder. Instead this woman had a bad case of menstrual cramps that forced stomach acids back up into her mouth, where they ate away her tooth enamel.
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