Will the Obama administration finally usher in national health insurance? We need to bridge the health gap between the rich and the poor?but when it comes to insurance, we ALL feel poor! A new study shows us that we may not get the insurance we all hope for.

A study involving health care systems in 21 countries?and the prospects for change in response to such common pressures as rising costs and aging populations?casts doubt on this kind of major overhaul because of our history and traditions.
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Grow your own! – Surgeons in Spain have transplanted a windpipe in a patient that was created using her own stem cells. Since there is no chance of rejection, she will have no need to anti-rejection drugs.

In BBC News, Michelle Roberts quotes the patient’s surgeon, Paolo Macchiarini, as saying, “We are terribly excited by these results. She is enjoying a normal life, which for us clinicians is the most beautiful gift.”

Art credit: freeimages.co.uk

Unknowncountry.com is growing: despite the fact that we have no advertising on other media, we have 60% more readers and listeners than we did a year ago?through word-of-mouth alone. Now if only more of you would support us, there’s a chance we might still be here tomorrow!
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?a little more time to plan – Maybe the earth is giving us a little more time to save it. New research shows that we should be looking to the ground, not the sky, to see where climate change could have its most perilous impact on life on Earth. And scientists have discovered that some of their computer climate models?the ones that analyze dirt?may be overestimating global warming predictions.
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It’s not as dangerous as scientiststhink it shouldbe, and it can even be consideredmedicine. Also,it may affect different people indifferent ways.

The more researchers study the effects of marijuana, themore evidence scientists find that specific elements in itcan be good for the aging brain by reducing inflammation andpossibly even stimulating the formation of new brain cells.Development of a legal drug that contains certain propertiessimilar to those in marijuana might help prevent or delaythe onset of Alzheimer’s disease. Though the exact cause ofAlzheimer?s remains unknown, chronic inflammation in thebrain is believed to contribute to memory impairment.
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