There were 30 years of IRA terrorism in the UK, and then it was us. Now the recent horrific attacks in Mumbai have shown how difficult it is for developing states to be safe from terrorism. Since 2005, this is the fourth major attack in India, following bomb blasts and machine gun attacks in Delhi, Bangalore and Mumbai. Will this lead to war between India and Pakistan?
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In Anne’s newest diary, she writes about helping to feed 800 homeless people on the day before Thanksgiving. She was assigned to be a “gravy spotter” and says, “It was hard work, and some of us gals in the ‘gravy gang’ got a little spacey after a while. We got some strange looks when two of us did an impromptu rendition of the old rock song ‘Give me g-r-a-v-v-y on my mashed potatoes’ right there in the dining area.”

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

More indications that we are heading for a major economic depression: the bailout costs will total more than the Marshall Plan, the Louisiana Purchase, the moonshot, the S&L bailout, the Korean War, the New Deal, the Iraq war, the Vietnam war, and NASA’s lifetime budget?COMBINED!
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A team of researchers claim that they can create a mammoth from ancient DNA for $10 million and sell them to zoos around the world. The price seems high, but it’s around the same amount that museums have recently paid for dinosaur fossils.

They were able to get the DNA from hair taken from deep-frozen woolly mammoth carcasses. Though some parts of the DNA are missing, they have about 80% of it.

Hair is one of the best body parts to extract DNA from, since bone often contains fungi and bacteria. In BBC News, Paul Rincon quotes researcher Jeremy Austin as saying, “It’s a bit like trying to build a car with only 80% of the parts and knowing that some of the parts are already broken.”
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