In Whitley’s new journal, he writes: “I have been thinking once again about the possibility of open contact. It almost happened, as I understand it, in late eighties and early nineties, but was stopped when armed NATO fighters rose over Belgium each time an appearance took place. Once on the ground, there was a concern that the visitors involved would be attacked. I had some involvement in this situation, but I lost out, obviously. Now, the possibility exists again?”

We?ll never succeed in achieving contact if we keep trying to shoot them down. In the past, people have tried to shoot US down, but we’re still here. Make sure we’ll still be here tomorrow too: Subscribe today!

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As Linda Howe has reported extensively on Dreamland, there have been hundreds UFO sightings in Central Texas this year. Now they’re back!
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Hunt deathbed video – E. Howard Hunt’s audio interview saying that the CIA was responsible for the JFK assassination was covered by the Associated Press, Rolling Stone and many others. In this video, released exclusively by, Hunt goes much further, naming CIA Agents Cord Meyer, who had been cuckolded by JFK, and William K. Harvey, who had been sidelined by Robert Kennedy after he tried to mount an unauthorized action against Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis, as the people who managed the assassination for LBJ. To watch the video click here.

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

Back in the saddle, doing live radio – In her latest diary, Anne Strieber writes: “We recently did a live Coast to Coast AM radio show again, after a hiatus of many years.”
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