Knowing how precisely a high school freshman can estimate the number of objects in a group gives you a good idea how well he has done in math as far back as kindergarten. Does this mean that math ability is genetic? And remember, girls do just as well in math as boys do!

Researcher said Justin Halberda says, “We discovered that a child?s ability to quickly estimate how many things are in a group significantly correlates with that child?s performance in school math for every single year, reaching all the way back to when he or she was in kindergarten.”
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And what if KIDS play on it? – Both baseball and football are moving to fake turf, since it needs less upkeep and always looks good on TV. But is it safe?

Adding to the growing concerns over the health risks posed by lead and other chemicals in synthetic turf materials, a new study finds that when children or athletes ingest the tiny rubber granules in synthetic turf, it is likely that a significant portion of the lead in the granules will be absorbed by their bodies? gastric fluids.
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Dreamland host William Henry writes: “In 2004, I began reporting that the particle accelerator at CERN is a stargate. It fulfillsMayan and Messianic prophecy. This is based on my mythological profiling of the symbolism at CERN and the observations of scientists. Now, we have direct confirmation of this from a physicist at CERN.”

The unexpected corroboration came on September 28, when 60 Minutes aired a tour inside the troubled particle accelerator/Big Bang Machine near Geneva, Switzerland, where Steve Kroft interviewed physicist Bob Stanek.

Here’s the pertinent exchange between Kroft and Stanek:
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In her diary of August 21st, Anne Strieber writes: “Latelythere’s been a great controversy about whether ‘the surge’?which sent 28,000 more troops into Iraq a year ago? has ‘worked’ or not, with the US military and John McCain saying yes, it’s been effective and critics of the war saying no, it hasn’t been. But to me the whole question is a matter of words and is thus completely meaningless [because] it’s been proven that when you put a cop on every corner, you reduce crime, and that’s what the surge is: the military equivalent of a cop on every corner.? The trouble is, you have to KEEP them there (meaning our troops can?t ever come home). But now NASA satellites have REVEALED why the surge seemed to work, and it had nothing to do with US troops.
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