…as it secretly raises taxes – The US Congress yesterday defeated a seven hundred billion rescue passage for America’s financial system even as it let stand the Alternative Minimum Tax, meaning that twenty three million Americans will pay an average of $2,000 more in taxes next year. The tax will be extended to cover more average Americans than ever before. At the same time that our taxes are going up, if some effective rescue plan is not passed, the average small business and average individual is going to find it impossible to do things like renew lines of credit that are essential to running everything from stores to law firms and medical practices. Large corporations with high credit ratings will be first in line for any loans that are available.read more

Is there a fountain of youth? Some researchers think that aging is an evolutionary adaptation that can be REVERSED. But the current prescription for living longer (eating less) may not work for everyone.

In a blog posted on The Daily Galaxy website, Casey Kazan says, "How do you explain animals that don’t age? Some tortoises lay eggs at the age of 100, there are whales that live to be 200 and clams that make it past 400 years."
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Unlike cabbies in many other cities, London cab drivers are notorious for being able to find their way around in a VERY complex city! Researches think that they have developed the equivalent of a G.P.S. system in their brains.
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Not only are sunspots at a record low, so is the solar wind. The stream of charged particles blowing out of the sun is at its lowest point for 50 years.

In BBC News, Jonathan Amos quotes researcher Dave McComas as saying, “This is a whole sun phenomenon. The entire Sun is blowing significantly less hard?about 20-25% less hard?than it was during the last solar minimum 10-15 years ago.

“That’s a very significant change. In fact, the solar wind we’re seeing now is blowing the least hard we’ve see it for a prolonged time, since the start of those observations in the 1960s at the start of the space age.”
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