You’ll spend less if you pay cash, but in these tough times, you may not HAVE any cash, so what do you do? You barter!

A growing number of us are surviving the recession by trading?with our friends and neighbors and through websites. quotes like Craig?s List spokeswoman Susan MacTavish Best as saying, “When the economy turns unfriendly, Craigslist users become far more creative to get their everyday tasks done.”

CNN quotes Jessica Hardwick, the CEO of one barter website, as saying, “I think a few years ago it was more for fun, but we’ve seen a real shift in the last year, and especially an increase in the last few months, where I think people are really doing it to get by.”

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Would we eat fewer sweets if the desserts we DO eat tastedsweeter?

Researchers have also found a way to make foods tastesaltier or more savory than they really are, and some ofthese taste enhancers are being tested in commercial foodsby companies like Nestl

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links more

What will ourfinancialfuture be like?

In, Clara Moskowiz quotes economist RossGittell as saying, “For many US households this may resultin a new reality, with declining economic prospects for thenext generation.”

Will the economic world really be worse for our kids than ithas been for us? Moskowiz qjuotes economist Steven Fazzari as saying, “It’s possible, but I think it’s unlikely. Thereare stronger aspects of the economy that will eventuallyturn us around. Once we get out three to five years, thingswill start to look much better?We’ll look at this as as badan event as we’ve had in the last 50 years, but not anotherGreat Depression.”
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A longtime pollster says that media polls are not used touncover the “will” or thoughts of the public, but rather tomanufacture a “public opinion” that grabs the attention ofjournalists and can be used to fill media news holes.

In the 13 years David Moore worked for the Gallup Poll, helearned he learned some things about how polls really work.In the fall of 2007, media pollsters reported a solid leadfor Hillary Clinton among Democratic primary candidates andcrowned Rudy Giuliani the national Republican frontrunner.Clinton’s lead evaporated in the first contest and Giulianilater dropped out of the race without having won a singledelegate.
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