Global warming may have pushed Greenland’s ice sheets past a tipping point, with the island having lost ice from its glaciers faster than snowfall could replenish them over the past two decades, according to a new study. Although this trend is expected to worsen as global temperatures increase, the researchersread more

The Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) may have collected biological samples from close encounter witnesses, according to UFO investigator Nick Pope, as part of one of the program’s studies that involved the effects of energy fields on living organisms. The study reportedly involved an investigation into injuries inflictedread more

A new study published in The Lancet is forecasting a “jaw-dropping” decline in the planet’s population by 2100, with the number of people in 23 countries expected to drop by half by the end of the century. While fewer humans using up fewer resources might sound like a good thing, the study’sread more