Tessa Dick was the late science fiction writer Philip K.Dick’s 4th wife. Dick’s most famous book is probably “DoAndroids Dream of Electric Sheep?” published in 1968, whichwas made into the film “Blade Runner.” In herInsight,she talks about how her husband was in touch with Visitorswho seemed to betimetravelers from ancient Rome. Just forsubscribers:Whitley has a special interview with Tessa!

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When the November election is over, will this ALSO be the end of junk science in the White House?

In the September 10th edition of New Scientist, Ivan Semeniuk interviews Anne Solomon, of the Center for the Study of the Presidency, a non-partisan organization in Washington, DC that studies the successes?and failures?or past administrations.
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…could even be a Sasquatch – Is it a footprint of Sasquatch?or an extraordinarily LARGE prehistoric person? An amateur archeologist found a huge fossil footprint on his Tennessee property that has made him a Bigfoot believer.

In WSMV.com, Dennis Ferrier quotes Harold Jackson as saying, “I don’t know anything about archaeology?but if you look at it, it’s a footprint. No animal footprint looks like that. Now, if it’s a Native American, an Indian, then he was a big Indian. [The print] is about 11 inches wide and about 15 inches long?I don’t know what kind of Bigfoot it is, but there’s a Bigfoot out there somewhere.”
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Today is the 7th anniversary of the tragedy that has come to be known as 911. Our readers and listeners are aware that we have been following the trail of this terrorist attack ever since it struck, interviewing guests such as David Ray Griffin, Jim Marrs and Philip Marshall. Today we want to remember the fallen and pray for peace in the world.

Art credit: freeimages.co.uk

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more