Now you can be part of a special study – At the Arlington Institute, researchers have consulted precognizant dreamers and have learned about hundreds of case studies of individuals who had explicit dreams about 911 (people jumping out of burning high rise buildings, etc.), beginning some six months before the event. They are studying whether the human collective unconscious somehow anticipates large impending perturbations?and YOU can participate in this study!
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?and funny things happening on the sun – Lots of new stuff is being discovered in space?right here in our own galaxy! One newly-discovered asteroid may have a somewhat mysterious origin. And a flurry of “fireballs” (the tiny meteors called Perseids that usually light up the sky in August) were seen in September?something that has only happened 3 times before in the last 100 years. And our SUN is making history!
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The Large Hadron Collider, also known asCERN, cost $10billion an is located on the border between France andSwitzerland. It wasactivated today. And don’t worry: A new report provides the mostcomprehensive evidence available to confirm that the LargeHadron Collider?s switch-on poses no threat to mankind:Nature’s own cosmic rays regularly produce more powerfulparticle collisions than those planned within the LHC, whichwill enable nature?s laws to be studied in controlledexperiments.

If particle collisions at the LHC had the power to destroythe earth, we would never have been given the chance toexist, because regular interactions with more energeticcosmic rays would already have destroyed the earth or otherastronomical bodies.
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Who gets it, who doesn’t, and why? – AIDS experts have compelling evidence that some people live with HIV who for years and even decades show extremely low levels of the virus in their blood, never progressing to full-blown AIDS, and remain symptom free even without treatment. And now we think we know one more reason why some people are MORE likely to contract HIV?it’s all thanks to the ancient Romans!
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