Bugs can be useful?but most of the time, they’re annoying?especially flies. Scientists have finally figured out why they’re so hard to swat!

It turns out that flies (unlike most humans) have an incredible ability to plan ahead. They can quickly see where a threat is coming from, so they can dodge our swatters before they reach them.

In BBC News, Matt McGrath quotes researcher Michael Dickinson as saying, “We’ve found that when the fly makes planning movements prior to take-off, it takes into account its body position at the time it first sees the threat. Our experiments showed that the fly somehow ‘knows’ whether it needs to make large or small postural changes.”
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Update: – As Hurricane Gustav came ashore, it continued movingquickly, driven by a high pressure system to the south. Inaddition, instead of crossing an area of higher watertemperature just south of New Orleans, Gustav encountered cooler water in the same area. This combination caused it to lose rather than gain strength as it made landfall. However, the storm brought heavy rains, and, due to a lack of federal funding, the levee system is still not fully restored. Some overspill due to storm surge is taking place along the IndustrialLevee, butonly time will tell whether or not the levees hold.

Tropical Storm Hannah is behind Gustav, and could also enterthe Gulf of Mexico and intensify into a hurricane during thenext week.
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In her new diary, Anne Strieber writes: “Talk about revelations! I thought I knew everything about Whitley?s UFO experiences, but I’ve gotten two new pieces of information?one of them brand-new?which put it in a whole new light.”

Art credit: freeimages.co.uk

NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed.read more

Computer hacker Gary McKinnon, who has been interviewed on Dreamaland, has lost his appeal to avoid extradition to the US for a military trial. He entered NASA computers searching for information on UFOs, and will be tried as a terrorist here, which could result in a life sentence in Guantanamo Bay. However, if he is tried and sentenced before the end of the year, George Bush could commute his sentence upon leaving office (although he probably won’t, since he wants to go down in history as being tough on terrorists).
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