It’s NOT what you think! – In his incredible new Journal, Whitley Strieber gives a further explanation of what is REALLY going on in Russia?along with a short history of that country (something that many people in the White House obviously don’t know much about!) This is a follow-up to his original Journal on that topic.

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Roger Leir did it and you can too – There’s a $10 million prize waiting for the person who can design a car that gets 100 miles a gallon, and one engineer has modified a 1993 Geo Metro that he claims can do just that. Other researchers have found a way to convert ethanol and other biofuels into hydrogen very efficiently.

A new catalyst makes hydrogen from ethanol with 90% yield, at a workable temperature, and using inexpensive ingredients. The new catalyst is much less expensive than others being developed around the world, because it does not contain precious metals, such as platinum or rhodium.
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Now there’s REAL wisdom in wisdom teeth?the Japanese have learned how to make stem cells out of them (and they can be kept in the freezer until needed!) However, since stem cells are most valuable for the diseases that strike in old age, such as Parkinson’s, and because wisdom teeth are often not removed until later in life, many of us will safely carry them around in our gums until we need them, instead.

BBC News quotes researcher Hajime Ogushi as saying, “?We can avoid the ethical issues of stem cells because wisdom teeth are destined to be thrown away anyway. Also, we used teeth that had been extracted three years ago and had been preserved in a freezer. That means that it’s easy for us to stock this source of stem cells.”

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Could it reach here? – A rural town in India is battling a baffling disease, which started small but has now spread to 350 people, killing 160 of them. 15 to 20 people are dying every day. These days, diseases can spread like wildfire, due to plane travel, so who knows where it will turn up next?

In the Hindustan Times, Pawan Dixit quotes medical officer Dr. R.C. Agarwal as saying, “We really don’t know what exactly it is; we are depending on the finding of a team of specialists from New Delhi.”

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